Dr. Mittal N Patel

Dr Mittal Patel is a Board Certified Surgeon practicing in Mumbai with vast experience in Cosmetic & Plastic surgery field. His passion has remained with Cosmetic Surgery and his experience has developed an artistic eye and Touch which creates Beauty. He has done his M.ch Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery from B J Medical College & Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad one of the oldest Medical institute of India

Dr Mittal Patel is also a Life Member of the most prestigious ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) and is a life member of the Indian Association of Aesthetic plastic Surgeons (IAAPS)

Undoubtedly, the best plastic surgeon in Mumbai, he has performed successful cosmetic surgeries including face, body contouring, liposuction, breast surgeries. He dedicates his time to each patient giving them utmost priority and delivering required result with updated knowledge, skills and advanced technology.

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